Compara precios para Benro A3573FS6 - Trípode completo, negro y tiende a venderse muy rápido..

Si necesitas para la parte superior recomendada Trípodes completos, entonces Benro A3573FS6 - Trípode completo, negro es nuestra sugerencia. Muchas buenas críticas ya demuestran la calidad de este producto. Y también vas a satisfacer con el costo razonable en caso de que se compare con el otro artículo similar que está en Internet. Si desea conocer más a fondo estos productos, a continuación se detallan sus características principales.
El producto es muy bueno!
- Con posición ajustable de la pierna que permite ser utilizado en alturas inferiores/superiores
- El diseño de la columna central ranurado elimina la rotación no deseada
- Adecuado para la naturaleza y la vida al aire libre o para los observadores de aves con cámaras de video o telescopios
- Con patas de bloqueo en la posición de funcionamiento estándar
This series of Benro tripods is manufactured from high quality machined aluminium alloy with magnesium alloy castings.? This is a fast to set up, tough and reliable series of tripods with quick levelling smooth action Video Heads making them ideal for nature and wildlife photography as well as being an ideal tripod for bird watchers with Video Cameras or spotting scopes.Three models are available: A1573FS2 Model A1573 Tripod with FS2 Video Head, A2573FS4 Model A2573 Tripod with FS4 Video Head, A3573FS6 Model A3573 Tripod with FS6 Video Head.Technical features include: Adjustable leg position, the legs lock in the standard operational position.? This can be overridden allowing the legs to be opened and the tripod to be used at lower heights for lower level photography.Reversible centre column, which allows for additional low level shooting flexibility and angles.? The grooved centre column design eliminates unwanted rotation.Levelling centre column, which features a smooth action ball and socket device for quick and easy levelling up allowing corrections up to 15 degrees.The tripod has a comfortable padded hand grip on one leg lined with soft NBR (Nitrile Butadine Rubber).Leg locking: the tripod features rapid action flip locks for quick camera set ups.A spirit level and compass are supplied to ensure that when using the tripod it is level, the built in compass provides the co-ordinates for recording the exact location.Each kit is supplied with a durable carrying case with straps for ease of transportation and also for added protection. The kit is supplied with both rubber and spiked feet plus a basic tool kit.Benro tripods are covered by Benro's 5 year limited warranty.
Título: Benro A3573FS6 - Trípode completo, negro
Categoría: Trípodes completos
Marca: Benro
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