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Mejor Ahorro Para National Geographic NG 5160 - Mochila para cámara fotográfica réflex y accesorios (talla mediana) Especial

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National Geographic NG 5160 - Mochila para cámara fotográfica réflex y accesorios (talla mediana)

Si estás buscando para la parte superior recomendada Mochilas para cámaras, entonces National Geographic NG 5160 - Mochila para cámara fotográfica réflex y accesorios (talla mediana) es nuestra sugerencia. Muchas buenas críticas ya demuestran la calidad de este producto. Y también vas a satisfacer con el costo razonable en caso de que se compare con el otro artículo similar que está en Internet. Si desea conocer más a fondo estos productos, a continuación se detallan sus características principales.

El producto es muy bueno!

  • Objetos personales y equipo de fotografia
  • Compartimento inferior acolchado y modular
  • Amplio compartimento superior
  • Compartimento acolchado para portátil de hasta 15"
  • Bolsillos laterales, espacio para trípode y sistema transpirable en la esplada

The khaki Earth Explorer National Geographic 5160 Medium Backpack from National Geographic is an all-in-one field pack for both photo/video and personals. The pack is divided in half with the bottom half being dedicated to your equipment while the top half is used for personals like a jacket accessories or even a snack. The pack is rated to hold your DSLR or camcorder about three lenses as well as a 15.4 laptop that is nested within its own padded compartment. The bottom half contains movable dividers that can be used to configure the compartment to suit your gear. The bag is made from a cotton hemp blend and complimented by a padded interior that is gear-friendly. Everything is zipper accessed. There are three front zippered accessory pockets - one horizontal two vertical for small items like media cards phone notepad or business cards. The top accessory pocket has an additional snap loop closure. In addition the flaps are accented with touch fasteners for added security. The two touch fastened side pockets can be used for eyeglasses or water bottles. In addition there are side tripod head connecting straps for ease of portability. For carrying purposes the pack comes with an adjustable harness system. The back support pad is breathable and especially comfortable. There is also a sternum strap that will help keep the pack steady while walking or hiking. The lower padded compartment features removable dividers and holds a DSLR camera or camcorder with media accessories The large upper storage compartment with organizer pockets holds all your personal necessities The rear padded compartment holds a laptop (15.4 or less) Multiple external pockets and pouches accommodate all your smaller accessories Two side pouches with tripod-head connecting straps can be used to support a tripod or carry a water bottle The advanced harness system is designed to allow ultimate adjustment ensuring the perfect fit for each individual carrier. Padded breathable fabric on the bag's back

Título: National Geographic NG 5160 - Mochila para cámara fotográfica réflex y accesorios (talla mediana)
Categoría: Mochilas para cámaras
Marca: National Geographic

Si este es un producto que DEBE TENER, asegúrese de PEDIR AHORA para evitar decepciones. Haga clic en el enlace "Fotografía y videocámaras" en las Categorías a continuación y pegue este Código: B0060FNS9O en Buscar e ingresar para obtener los Mejores Ofertas disponible para National Geographic NG 5160 - Mochila para cámara fotográfica réflex y accesorios (talla mediana).

Como este:
Fotografía y videocámaras


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National Geographic NG 5160 - Mochila para cámara fotográfica réflex y accesorios (talla mediana)

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